Sol Scriptura

Sol Scriptura
"Making Disciples Who Will Make Disciples"

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How should we share the Gospel?

I have a series of progressive questions.

1. Do we (as collective individuals) see that there is a biblical precedent to reach out to people we do not know (or casually know) and proactively and intentionally share the gospel in order to begin the discipleship process?  Do we see this as a command or aspect of our Christian lives that we should be doing?

2. If we don't, do we believe this could be a good practice anyway?  If we do, would we like to pursue doing this?

3. Third, if we do want to pursue this, do we think we should have a "church method" or way we do this in order to: 1). help/disciple one another in accomplishing this task, and... 2). do this in such a way that we can train others on how to do this?

4. Fourthly, if the answer to #3 is yes, sort of, or maybe... how do the individuals of the church understand we should decide as a church on how we want to accomplish this goal?

My ask is that everyone please try and respond to this email.

Your Most Humble Obedient Servant,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Carnal Nature and The Spiritual Nature

I have been reflecting on the spiritual reality of my spiritual birth (John 3:3, 5 and Titus 3:5).  When someone is born again, God gives a complete spiritual birth to a new man with a new nature.  Though his body is the same tent housing this new man, there are now two distinct natures co-existing at the same time within the same body.  Though they co-exist within the same body, they are not co-dependent.  The new spiritual man does not make the carnal man less depraved.  And the carnal man does not make the spiritual man less holy (the spiritual man is as holy as God is holy).  If anyone has some insight on this spiritual reality, I would love to hear.  I am especially interested on the specifics of how a Christian can DAILY pick up his cross; die to himself; lose his life for Christ sake; hate his life in this world; be a living sacrifice; etc. etc. etc.  How does someone daily crucify the carnal man so that the spiritual man can live for God?

Your Most Humble Obedient Servant,

Monday, July 11, 2011

What is your Biblical Hermeneutic?

Why do denominations and fellowships within Christendom have different interpretations of the same Scripture?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

David's Mighty Warriors

Last night the church looked at the mighty warriors of David. These were some great men of the Lord that stood their ground when others fled the battle field. The young people really liked learning some of their great feats. We too need to be mighty warriors for God. This means we had better go to spiritual boot camp and get equipped on how to use our weapon (i.e. the sword of God) and learn how to defend ourselves (i.e. the armor of God). If you haven't yet enlisted or joined the spiritual battle, see your nearest PAC recruiting officer :).

Your Most Humble Obedient Servant,

Class this AM

In SS at Westside Baptist this morning, we discussed the greatest command in the Bible: "Love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength" and "Love your neighbor as yourself." I would encourage everyone to read the article, "Love Your Neighbor"

Your Most Humble Obedient Servant,

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Parable of the Soils

Had a good time at 8:00am this morning... we talked about the parable known as the sower and the seed (Matthew 13:3-9). This parable would better be titled the parable of the soils. If anyone finds any weeds in their garden (i.e. their heart) pluck it quick!!! We all want to have a heart that is like fertile soil so when the word of God is sown, it takes root and produces a great crop the glory of God. Make sure that we are all not only hearers but also doers of the Word!

Your Most Humble Obedient Servant,

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Great Commission

How does Matthew 28:16-20 affect you? When he said Go...Baptize...Disciple, what did he mean and for whom was the command meant?

The Post-Apostolic Church

Wednesday, June 29, 2011